A Daily Cup Of Jo
This site is a learning tool populated by youth-created content in partnership with Street-Level.
Today in class we did a little role play which I will call Reporting Reporters from now on.
I took an actual news story from the Chicago Tribune and then created roles for the class. I choose two students one to act as a Chicago police officer who arrived at the scene of the crime and another student who acted at the store owner, the rest of the class were reporters. I gave the police officer and store owner the facts given in the Tribune story and told them to be creative with their own details. As the rest of the class: I put my editor hat on and told them I heard about a robbery over a police scanner wanted them to interview the police officer who was on the scene and store owner for this breaking story. The reporters used some time to come up with questions. From the questions they gathered information and wrote a news story in the inverted pyramid style. This is what they came up with!
Reporting Reporters
Virgin Mobile Store Robbed Clean
By Asia Dodge
At three A.M. on 2500 N Clark Street a virgin mobile store was robbed on a Saturday morning. The store was robbed of all its equipment and the cash register. Police officer Jackson was called to check out the scene when the store alarm was alerted. There aren’t any new leads, the only lead that they do have is there was a black SUV parked outside the store around one A.M. that Saturday morning. It seems as if the store is out of luck and phones.
Unicorn Rober Steals From a Virgin Mobile Store
By Diana Servin
Virgin's Mobile Store gets rob, Saturday night at 3 AM. The robbers seem to have stolen all the cellphones, accessories, and cash register money. By the time the officer got to the crime scene the robbers were gone leaving broken glass, alarm still on, the light off, and the back door open. The owner of the store said that they were probably targeted because of low security, so the owner is now putting high security so an armed guard that will work 24/7 and surveillance cameras on every corner. The criminal still has not been caught, but the officer said that the suspect left a a purple unicorn and one of the neighbors saw someone with a black SUV leaving from the store at that time the crime was committed.
Paid With A Unicorn
By Karissa Jackson
At 2:30am on Saturday night, the Virgin Mobile store on 2500 north Clark was burglarized and all of the merchandise, an estimated 30,000 dollars, stolen. The store was found empty, there was shattered glass and the alarm sounding at 3:00 when Officer Jackson arrived on the scene. The only lead the police have is a black SUV which was seen in a nearby alley around 1:00 am, so the investigation is still open and ongoing. There were no security cameras in the store and when the owner was asked about it, she said that they thought the neighborhood was safe and the cameras are expensive. The police are still confused as to why a purple unicorn was found on the counter.
Robbery in Vigin Mobile
By Michaela Carter
There was a burglary that took place in Virgin Mobile. It was robbed on Saturday at 3 am on 2500 block of North Clark. There was nothing that showed a suspect because there were no security cameras, which made it even harder. There was glass everywhere, no lights and the alarm was going off. The main thing was the cash register which was also stolen. The owner hopes to reopen and take care of the damages and get back on their feet and keep the store running. They are going to invest in video cameras, because it may happen again and they can identify someone.
A Burglary On Clark Street
by Danielle McCullough
A burglary happened on the 2500 block of North Clark at a Virgin Mobile store Saturday night at 3 AM. About 30,000 dollars worth of merchandise was stolen the only lead on the suspect was a purple unicorn that was left and the suspicious black van that a nearby neighbor noticed. Officer Jackson who works for the Chicago police station was patrolling the area at the time and was immediately called to go and look at the area. Arriving on scene she noticed the glass was all over the floor, the alarm was going off and the backdoor was open, but no one was in the store. The virgin mobile store did not have any security cameras, so the store is still being investigated. The owner of the store however was sleeping at the time of the crime and was awoken by a ringing phone; she said that the store was closed at the time of the crime. The owner also said that “Security measures are being debated.”