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The Josephinum soccer team are putting on their klets as they get ready for practice.  The teams states are 5-4-2, and 3-1-2 in conference. They recently finished 3rd overall in conference and 2nd overall in our region.

Coach Vai is explaining to the team what the routine is for this days practice..​

The first exercise of practice is repetition, which helps them have a good form when playing under pressure durng a fast paced game.​

Once they are done with repetition, the soccer team is now doing a drill called dynamic which is really healthy for women.

Sophomores Sonya Everett and Samantha Guerrero are doing the dynamic warm-up. In this drill they must practice accurately kicking the ball. 

After some drills the team is ready to have scrimmage this is when they divide the team and play a soccer game. 

The girls are now ready to play against each other, this a close-up of the soccer balls.​

The soccer ball is placed in the middle of the field.​

Freshmen Jesenia Garcia (left) and Jessica Santillion (right) are now ready to start the game..​

One of the JO girls on the opposite team must try to stop them.​

Freshman Jessica Santillion kicks the ball toward the goal.

The ball is getting close to the goal post.​

Magaly Trugillo attempts to block a ball from scoring.

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