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by Alexis Smyser

Earlier this week local boy, Jack Jackson, robs and murders innocent giant. While the giant was sleeping Jack sneaked into his house and took a golden egg laying hen along with other valuables. In order to find the giants home he climbed a stalk grown from magical beans. He allegedly acquired said beans by trading his family’s only cow to a mysterious old man he met in the market, although there were no witnesses. He repeatedly stole from the giant’s home and on the third offense he was confronted and chased by the giant. The chase culminated in the giant’s death while Jack and his family lived happily in riches. Jack claims that he was driven to commit the crimes out of desperation because of the debt his mother accumulated after the death of his father.

News: Jack and the Beanstalk

Two impoverished country-folk steals riches from giant

by Krissa Jackson

A poor widow and her son Jack, who live in the suburbs, go from poor to rich due to the two bags of gold, the golden harp and the little brown hen stolen from giants by Jack when the climbed a magic beanstalk and entered their world. The magic beans which connected the giant realm with ours came from the magic beans which Jack exchanged with a butcher for Milky White, a cow which was the only thing of value that they had left.
Jack entered the world of the giants thrice. The first time, he stole two bags of gold when he asked the giantess to be let inside in order to get breakfast. The second time, sometime after the first attempt, he entered the castle on the same pretense and stole a little brown hen which laid golden eggs. On these two attempts he was not caught by the Giant but on the third he was not that lucky.

Jack’s Discovery up the Beanstalk

by Daisy Patino

This poor young boy, Jack, lives with his window mother. On June15, Jack was sent out into the market to sell the cow his cow that has stopped giving milk. As he is on his way to the market Jack exchanges the cow for some magic beans. His mother is upset that Jack did not sell the cow, with anger and disappointment she throws the magic beans out the window.  The beans begin to grow overnight into a huge beanstalk. Jack’s curiosity leads him to climb up the beanstalk and discovering a whole new world. He arrives at the Giants house to not only eat his food but to take two bags of gold. On his second journey up the beanstalk Jack decides to take Giants golden hen.

Jack VS. The Giant

by  Samantha Smyser

A poor widow who lived in the country was struggling financially to support herself and her child. She had a son named Jack, but he was too young to work. They also had a single cow from which they collected milk from daily. One day in late February, the cow stopped producing milk. Even though Jack loved the cow, his family was in a desperate situation so he knew he had to sell it. With the intentions to sell the cow for money, the young boy ends up exchanging the cow for magic seeds. Overnight, the beans grow into a gigantic beanstalk which Jack climbs to the top of and finds a magical land ruled by a mean giant. Jack ultimately fights the giant and defeats him in a great David VS. Goliath-like event.

Poverty Stricken Boy turns to Violence and Crime

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