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Donte Currie
Student, 18
Interviewed by Mikenzi Currie

What makes you so passionate about ballet?

I am passionate about about ballet for many reasons.  I am passionate about ballet  because of the freedom it gives me. When I performing I'm able to let out all of my emotions on stage and feel free. Ballet is an outlet for me and place where i don't feel judged.

What are your plans for the summer? Are you gonna miss high school?

For the summer I'm going to move to my hometown Bloomington, IL and attend Lincoln Community College. I also will use that time to further my practice in the art of ballet. I will miss high school a lot I had many friends that will follow me for the rest of my life .I really enjoyed my time  as a teenager and, can say that high school was the best time of my life.

When did you realize your life was just getting started?How did it make you feel?

I don't even think I have began to experience life beginning for me, because there is so much that I have yet to experience.  I don't think life really begins until after your twenties.

How do you connect school into real life?

School prepares you for any situation you may come across, relationships are a big part of life , and in school you encounter many relationships. In relationships you learn boundaries and boundaries teach you how to function in normal society. See I connect these things to real life, because as humans we always make connections ,and to make connections you first need to know appropriate ways to communicate . I believe this is how life and education connects.

Who do you look up to and why?

I look up to no one because I have none to look up  to. I can't look up to my mom because she is a woman  and there is no man in my life that's invested in me enough so that I can start to look up to him . So i guess I look up to myself,  because I am my best role model.

What was it like you decided to come out about your sexuality?

It was fine, my mom cried but I knew that she would love me no matter what I was. I felt safe and accepted by all of my immediate family which only included my mom and sister .

What is a long and short term goal for your life?


Long- To become a philanthropist and give lots of money to research  of different charities and disease cures.

Sort- Get a job, and maintain a small apartment.

​What is your motivation to be positive through tough situations and why?

My motivation comes from the beauty in nature, because it has the ability to be beautiful without even trying.

Moises Rivera
Interviewed by: Sabrina Rivera



What was your mission going on this trip? What was the purpose of going for those who don’t know?


My mission going to Puerto Rico was to accompany my parents, unless, and niece at a rough time. The reason we had to make an emergency flight to Puerto Rico was the sudden death of my aunt, my father’s sister. My parents were not doing very well health wise, and I am the one that is always there for them for such reason I had to go with them.


What did you eat on the plane ride there? How did the flight go? Where you scared and nervous?


On the plane ride I did not eat anything but I did drink water and pop along the way. The flight went very well. My parents and everyone were doing good, saying jokes, and no one got sick. The flight home was even better because we arrived almost 45 minutes then what our arrival time was. I was not very scared or nervous at the fact of flying, however, I was thinking that I was leaving my family behind and that was not easy.


After the plane landed what was the process getting out of the airport? How did the air feel? How were you feeling?


When we got out of the plane my niece took my mother to the rest room and I accompanied my uncles and father. We then went to pick up one of my uncles luggage’s and went outside the air was very hot, we waited for the bus that would take us to the car rental garage. I was feeling very happy that everything was going very well so far and happy to have had the opportunity to be with my parents.


What was the first thing you ate once you got to your homeland? What place did you eat it from?


When we got our car and hit the road we stopped in this restaurant where we each had a big meal. I at pernil (pork) and arroz(rice) con abichuelas(beans).


What kind of car were you driving? Did it have a good working air conditioner? How often did you use it?


The car rental we got was a 2013 Dodge caravan, blue. It had an awesome air conditioner and drove very smooth. We used the van every day, all through the day.



What was your favorite meal you ate? Who cooked it? Where did you eat it?


My favorite meal was eating verdura. My uncle cooked everything and it was very good. Some of the roots we cooked were from our land over there. We ate it in the house that was my father’s that my brother now lives.


What is your favorite flavored limber? What color is it? Where did you buy it from?


My favorite flavored limber is the coco one. It is white and I bought it from one of family neighbors.


What did you do in the moments you wanted to come back home already? Were there a lot of these types of moments? How often?


At the moments I wanted to come back home I would call my family back at home, and just go for a walk in the forest. There were a few of these moments because things that you don’t think are correct take place and it become s a disappointment.


Although you went for not such a happy reason, how were you able to switch it around and enjoy yourself a bit?


Although the reason I went was not a very happy one, the good I took out of this trip was being able to spend time with my brothers and catch up since it has been some time since I have been able to see them.


How many mosquito bites did you get? How bad is your sunburn?


Surprisingly, I did not get not even one mosquito bite, but I did get sunburned just from simply driving around.


How did you feel when you received a call from mom about Moises breaking his ankle?


I was very sad, and mad that I could not do anything because I was so far away. I am always there for my children, and this was a very difficult phone call from me. I wanted to get a flight home that instant and be with my son and family.


What happened when you gave grandma the news that one of her birds died?


She was not upset and just said to get rid of it because it was not one of the birds she really likes. It was not a big deal at the moment.


Did you see any flying cockroaches? Nasty lizards?


I seen a few flying cockroaches. And of course your uncle junior tried to pick up some of the crazy lizards from around the house.

Dejai Chester

student, glass blower, 14

Interviewed by Danielle McCullough



How did you hear about the glass works program? Where is the place located?



My sister worked there for about two years and I also applied through afterschool matters. It  is located 1401 W. Armor,  you will notice the beautiful glass sculptures outside.


What is glass blowing?


Glassblowing is when you make glass sculptures, There is a huge process to blow glass. It takes patience and you cannot rush things.


What is the step by step process of glass blowing?


Step 1: Get the glass out of the Fahrenheit and place it on a pipe(a long pole that has an opening through the pole to shape or blow the glass)

Step 2: You have to constantly reheat the glass, so that it stays hot.

Step 3: Then you use stencils to create a glass sculpture.


Was the program fun? What was fun bout it? What did you enjoy about the program?


Yes, being able to make sculptures and the new experiences. Making glass sculptures, because I was able to make anything I wanted.


What types of glass pieces have you made? Are you proud of them? Do you use them at home?


I have made Angels, paper weights, a money sign, a snake, bowls, cups, plates, and an ice cream cone. Kind of, they didn't really turn out to good until I kept trying them. I use the cups at home, but not everything else.


Was it your first time blowing glass? What was your first experience like?


I started the program around two and half years ago, my first experience was very hot and sweaty and I didn't like it. Overall time I started to really enjoy the program, I got offered a job to work there teaching others how to blow glass. (outside of program)


Would you try to teach someone else to do it? Why or Why not?


Yes, because it is fun to learn how to blow glass and The more people who learn how to blow glass the more glass blowing will grow.


Are you going to do the program again?


No, because I will be moving to Minnesota after the summer.


Could this be a future career for you? Why or why not? Would you pursue a career in glass blowing?


Yes, because I  can teach other people to blow glass the way I was taught. It's a scrappy job, but yea because the experiences are amazing


Do you have a favorite experience or experiences?


My favorite experience is Sand blasting glass, because it is fun to sand glass and watch it being dented and you are able to personalize it to whatever you want.


What is the term Sand Blasting Glass? What is done?


You use Sand that is being blown against the glass , because of air pressures dents are made into the glass.


Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience with glass blowing? Or is there anything else that you want to say or let people know?


Glass blowing is awesome and everyone should try it at least once. It will be the best thing you have ever done.

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